October has long been recognized as National Domestic Violence Awareness month. As a result, many of the post to this blog are concerning violence against women. Topics discussed have included but not been limited to: domestic violence facts; myths; the importance of safety planning; and published works on this pressing public health issue.
When discussing books on the topic of domestic violence, we would remise if there was no mention of Dr. Lenore Walker’s famous book “The Battered Woman.” Much like “Getting Free”, “Trauma Recovery and Empowerment”, Dr. Walker’s book “The Battered Woman” is a must read for battered women and their allies in the struggle to eradicate domestic violence.
Dr. Walker has written many books and has been published in countless journal articles, magazines, and newspapers. Her highly regarded book, “The Battered Women”, is best known for raising awareness about the phenomenon of domestic violence. Because of Dr. Walker’s inter ground breaking interviews and studies on battered women, she has long been recognized as an expert in on the topic of Battered Women Syndrome. Out of her study of battered women syndrome, Dr. Walker developed theories on how and why domestic violence occurs. She also developed theories on treatment and survival.
Sources: http://www.webster.edu. http://www.stjohns.edu.
Photo Credit Microsoft Clip Art
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