May is Older Americans Month—and in recognition, many of my posts will seek to raise awareness about the challenges confronting a growing number of elderly persons including but not limited to hunger. Feeding America’s Hunger in America 2010 study unearthed some startling facts about senior hunger that everyone should know: “ In 2010, 7.9 percent of households with seniors (2.3 million households) were at risk; 30 percent of client households with seniors indicated that they have had to choose between food and medical care and 35 percent have had to choose between food and paying for heat/utilities; In 2009, nearly 9 million people over the age of 50 and nearly 4 million people over the age of 60 lived in at-risk households.”
Older Americans’ struggles with hunger are often invisible. It’s too easy for most of us to overlook how many seniors have serious trouble accessing the food and nutrition required to survive and thrive. Often, elderly persons are forced to make the unenviable decisions between food, medicine, or paying their utilities or rent. As a nation, we owe a great deal to the generations that helped build this country—we simply cannot allow one of our most vulnerable populations to suffer in silence any longer. Will you help to fight hunger for the most vulnerable members of our society?
Tell Congress: Protect Older Americans
As a nation, we owe a great deal to the generations that helped build our country—we simply cannot allow one of our most vulnerable populations to suffer in silence any longer. Will you help us to bring attention to the plight of the elderly?
The House Agriculture Committee is still taking comments to help them decide what programs and services should be preserved and what should be cut under the Farm Bill. Help protect SNAP, TEFAP, and CSFP today:
Visit the House Agriculture Committee Farm Bill Feedback Page.
Post a comment urging them to pass a strong Farm Bill that protects programs like SNAP, TEFAP, and CSFP, which help provide food for millions of America’s most vulnerable seniors.
Cuts to SNAP (food stamps)—like the ones currently under consideration in the Farm Bill—would further limit access to the food and nutrition programs that millions of older Americans rely on. Meanwhile, the Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP), which provides monthly boxes of food to low-income seniors, faces its own funding threats. These issues matter. What will seniors do if they no longer have access to these vital programs?
Throughout Older Americans Month, I will let you know how you can help raise awareness and fight senior hunger. Today, you can let your U.S. Representative know you want SNAP, TEFAP, and CSFP protected.
Help advocates for the children, youth, families, and the elderly build a movement to protect and strengthen programs that put food on the table for hungry Americans.
Source(s): Feeding America’s Hunger in America 2010
Photo Credit: Microsoft Clip Art
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