The Coalition on Human Needs and the Children’s Leadership Council are co-sponsoring a webinar entitled the “Extreme Federal Budget Threats” which will discuss the severe federal budget threats which are facing programs serving vulnerable populations. This upcoming event is scheduled for Tuesday, April 10, 2011 from noon until 1:30PM (EST).
According to an email sent this afternoon, it’s not too late to register for an important webinar delineating the federal budget budgets which threaten programs serving vulnerable persons in our society. This event reminds us that the recent federal budget conflict was only the beginning and that far greater threats are before us.
As you may be aware, Congress is facing critical decisions about whether the federal role in protecting vulnerable people, creating opportunity and spurring economic growth will be severely weakened. This webinar offers us an opportunity to learn about the unprecedented slash and shift budget proposal coming to the U.S. House floor at the end of this week, and how it would hit your state, your neighbors, and you.
The impact of this plan would start next October and continue for decades to come. The co-sponsors of this event will tell us what’s known about this year’s budget deal. And they will prepare us for what’s ahead.
For further information on how you can join in a national effort to fight against the federal budgets which are facing programs serving vulnerable persons. You should mark your calendar, register, and participate in the webinar scheduled for tomorrow afternoon, Tuesday, April 12, Noon – 1:30 p.m. (Eastern Time).
To Register Today:
Presenters:Robert Greenstein, President, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, and nationally known federal budget expert
MaryLou Beaver, State Campaigns Director, Every Child Matters/Every Child Matters New Hampshire Director
Deborah Weinstein, Executive Director, Coalition on Human Needs, and veteran of numerous federal budget campaigns
Slash and Shift Budget: One that makes massive cuts in federal spending on essential services like health care, and shifts the responsibility to pay for such services either to states/localities or to the individual. The House Budget Committee proposal is filled with slash and shift tactics, affecting health care, housing, nutrition, education, job training, and, frankly, every other domestic or human needs program.
For a description of the House Budget Committee FY 2012 proposal:
For an important analysis of the House Budget Committee’s proposal:
To see House Budget Committee Chairman Ryan’s budget proposal:
Full Budget Resolution:
House Budget Committee’s Summary:
The contact information for the Coalition on Human Needs is as follows: to contact us directly.
Source:Coalition on Human Needs
Photo credit: Microsoft Clip Art
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